The desire to understand

Catherine Pépin: ... what people like is understanding [comprendre]. When we do physics, we like to understand. When you are an analyst, I think you like to understand too. It’s the same force, the desire to understand.

Marie-Hélène Brousse: In analysis, we don’t use the term comprendre very much because the etymology, in French, is to take with [prendre avec]. But we don’t truly understand unless we dis-identify with the object and do not project our own subjective logic onto the object. It is a kind of self-discipline, of setting aside schemas that in general will allow us to locate ourselves in our reality, which is unique. You have your reality, I have mine. An analysis serves to push back these schemas so that the other schema might appear.

CP: A more universal schema.

MHB: No, more singular.

CP: More simple.

MHB: Not for the one who says it, for the one who listens to it. In general, people come to talk to us because it’s not easy for them. Those for whom everything is simple do not need psychoanalysis. It is when one realizes that there are repetitions, contradictions, dead ends, that one is not happy or unhappy, that one suffers, that one will go see an analyst.

Εικόνα: Lubo Minar

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