The psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan notes that "speaking of love is in itself a jouissiance". In other words, talking about love is an integral element of the pleasure and excitement, the ecstasy or joussaince, of love. And talking about it can also of course include listening, reading or indeed writing on the subject of love. Thus, focusing in particular on the nature of romantic love, Lacan comes to the perhaps surprising conclusion that writing a love letter is "the only thing on can do with a measure of seriousness". From this perspective, we could say that when you write a love letter your life is on the line: there is danger and excitement, you are not sure what you are going to write, your very identity is at stake.
Πηγή: Απόσπασμα από το βιβλίο των Andrew Bennett και Nicholas Royle "An introduction to literature, criticism, and theory", εκδόσεις Routledge
Εικόνα: Jess moe

Speaking of love
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